Elton B. Radheshi is the Secretary General of the Albanian Energy Regulatory Authority.
He holds a degree of master’s in science in Electrical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Tirana in 1996 and started his long career working in the power sector immediately after the graduation.
During his long and successful career in the Power Sector, Mr. Radheshi held many key and important positions in the energy sector such as, Chief of Cabinet of the General Director of KESH sh.a. (Albanian Power Corporation) head of Director of Market Operation in the Transmission System Operator etc.
During its career in the power sector Mr. Radheshi has been deeply involved in the important reforms of the Power Sector in Albania such as the successful unboundling of the TSO and DSO, the smooth adaptations of the Acquis in the electricity sector.
During its experience he also has held several positions in the regional level such as, deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the South East Coordination Auction office in Podgorica, Head of Task Force of the Regional Group South East Europe and is actually Chairman of the REMIT Working Group of ECRB (Energy Community Regulatory Board).
His regulatory experience starts in late 2018 when Mr. Radheshi was appointed as Senior Advise of the Bord of Commissioners of the Energy Regulatory Authority.