Director of European and International Affairs; Head of Electricity Networks and New Technologies Unit, Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE), Greece

Dr. George Loizos, PhD ('03), two M.Sc. ('95 & '98) and a B.Eng ('94)  in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Cardiff University is the Director of European and International Affairs  and in parallel the Head of Electricity Networks and New Technologies Unit in the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy. With approximately 25 years active national and international presence in industry, academia, public sector, he is an experienced electricity systems regulator and energy researcher with skills in analysis, problem solving, administration, energy market, electricity networks regulation and energy efficiency. He is an expert of the European Commission and has participated in various technical assistance programs (Twinning/TAIEX) to neighboring countries of the European Union. He has also a significant number of publications and currently teaches in two Energy MSc courses.  He is married and has two daughters.