Melikidze, Maia

Executive Director
Georgian Renewable Energy Development Association, Former ERRA Chair (2020-2024)

Dr Melikidze holds a PhD on renewable energy issues; she published several researches on enhancement renewable energy sources usage in Georgia and established Renewable Energy Resources Laboratory working on legal and economic assessments of renewable energy generation in Georgia.

Ms Maia Melikidze is an executive MBA graduate from Harvard University in the field of Global Strategic Management. Furthermore, she has academic education in International Economic Law at Georgian Technical University and currently is working on renewable energy issues at Business & Technology University (Silicon Valley Tbilisi). In July 2017, Ms. Melikidze was appointed as Commissioner at Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Commission for a 6-year term. Prior to this involvement, she had worked for the President of Georgia Mr. Giorgi Margvelashvili as an economic advisor. Earlier, Ms Melikidze had gained an extensive experience while working in a private sector for 12 years, inter alia at: International Audit Company “Ernst & Young” as a senior auditor; JSC Bank of Georgia – Tax Analyst; JSC Liberty Bank – Head of National Bank of Georgia and IFRS audit cooperation department.

Simultaneously Ms Melikidze is involved in educational process and encourages prosperity of the new generation. She is an associated professor at Business and Technology University, which ensures unique educational expertise by integrating business into technology and facilitating innovations. She supports Silicon Valley Tbilisi and works hard in order for Georgia to become an exporter of education in the region.

Ms Melikidze is also an author of several publications at Forbes focusing on diminishing unemployment and ensuring economic growth; involvement of Finance Institutions in mobilizing a public wealth.

In 2023 she was appointed as executive director of GREDA - Georgian Renewable Development Association. In the same year, she also became the Vice-Chair of ICER, the International Confederation of Energy Regulators.