Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC)

Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC)


Sectors Regulated:

Electricity, Natural Gas, District Heating, Water, Wastewater
  •  8-10 Dondukov Blvd. 
     1000 Sofia, Bulgaria 
  •  + 359 2 988 8730

Regulatory Authority General Information

  • Joined ERRA in 2000 (Founding Member)
  • Established in 1999


  • Legal basis/ mandate
  • Energy Act (last amended 1 May 2024) , Water Supply and Sewage Services Regulation Act and the relevant secondary legislation.
  • Responsibilities
  • EWRC is responsible for tariff setting and quality of services of enterprises in the gas, electric, district heating and water supply and sewage sectors. EWRC is also responsible for licensing of enterprises in the gas, electric and district heating sectors and issues permits for construction of transit gas or oil pipelines.
  • Authorities
  • Independence: Independent.
  • Reports to the Parliament.
  • Appeal process: All decisions of EWRC can be appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court within 14 days from publication. Scope of review – procedures and legal errors.

Organisational Structure

  • Organigram
  • Organigram: EWRC Bulgaria (2019)
  • Internal Structure
  • The Commission has 5 members (chairman, 2 responsible for energy sector and 2 for water supply and sewage sector) nominated by Parliament’s resolution and appointed for a five-year period and could be re-appointed.
  • Working Employees
  • • Decision-Making Level: 5
  • • Total Number of Employees: 128
  • Budget
  • Financed from the fees collected under the Energy Act and the Water Supply and Sewage Services Regulation Act.