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- File Size 3.64 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 2020-04-14
- Last Updated 2022-05-30
The TSO/DSO revenue study provides a comprehensive overview of the cost and revenue determination of regulated electricity transmission and distribution system operators, and their subsequent adjustments, among a sample of 20 ERRA Member Organizations (MOs). The analysis is complemented with insights on regulatory governance regimes in place and overall frameworks for tariff setting applied by MOs for the regulated entities. The report is based on a detailed questionnaire through which the authors extracted the targeted information and data from the MOs. In the main part of the study, the authors provide a benchmarking analysis in order to present the findings in graphs and tables and point out the solutions that are applied for a given regulatory issue together with specific indicators/ models and the values defining them in particular regulatory context. This is further coupled with general regulatory insights on applied methods with necessary theoretical descriptions, pointing out examples of best practices among the sampled MOs. The report is concluded with an identification of general tendencies in the development of regulatory frameworks among MOs as well as possible areas of improvement.
Core chapter breakdown is as follows:
The Study was prepared in collaboration with ECA - Economic Consulting Associates.