Energy investment is crucial for countries to achieve national and global goals, particularly in supporting the global energy transition and climate agenda. Appropriate regulations, incentives and policies are required to support it.
This report provides an overview of the approach of EMER members to regulating energy investment. It is based on a survey of 12 member countries that responded to a series of questions considering how regulators assess, treat, approve, evaluate, plan and monitor energy investment. The survey compares the various regulatory tools used to support and stimulate investment. The responses indicate similarities between countries in the different areas of regulation. In 10 out of 12 member countries, there are no overlapping regulatory or policy requirements. Energy investments are regulated by the license in many of the countries.
The report is structured as follows:
- Chapter 1 - Approvals and Evaluations in Energy Investment Projects
- Chapter 2 - Overlap Regulatory, Policy & Approval
- Chapter 3 - Regulation of Investments in Energy Generation
- Chapter 4 - Incentives to Attract Investments in Energy Generation
- Chapter 5 - Treatment and Planning
- Chapter 6 - Approval of Investment Projects and Development Plans
- Chapter 7 - Investment Monitoring
This benchmarking initiative would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions of the participating ERRA Electricity Markets and Economic Regulation Committee member NRAs.

ERRA Benchmarking Report: Investment Regulation Evaluation, Approval and Risk Mitigation Approaches for Large Investment Projects, Obstacles to Investments