Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE)

Sectors Regulated:
Electricity, Natural Gas
Regulatory Authority General Information
- Legal basis/ mandate
- Administrative independent authority. The relevant law concerning CRE is the Energy Code (Code de l’énergie).
- Responsibilities
- – Guarantee the independence of network operators. – Establish harmonised rules for the operation of networks and markets so that energy flows freely between the countries of the European Union Member States. – Ensure competition between energy suppliers for the benefit of consumers. – Ensure that consumers get the best service and pay the right price.
- Authorities
- • Independence: Administrative independent authority.
- • Reports to: Financially reports to the Court of Auditors.
- • Appeal process: State Council.
Organisational Structure
- Organigram

- Internal Structure
- 2 independent bodies : 1. The collegial board (Collège). Five commissioners, including the chairperson, are appointed for their legal, economic, and technical qualifications. They determine the main orientations of the institution and adopt decisions and opinions based on expert assessments from the various departments that operate under the authority of the chairperson and the chief executive. 2. The Dispute Settlement and Sanctions Committee (CoRDIS). It comprises four members, including two members of the Conseil d’Etat (French Council of State – administrative law), and two judges from the Cour de cassation (France’s Supreme Court – judicial law). They are tasked with settling disputes concerning access to and use of the public electricity and gas networks between operators and users, and with penalising infringements of the Energy Code.
- Working Employees
- • Decision-Making Level: see above.
- • Total Number of Employees: 156
- Budget
- The sums necessary for the operation of CRE are proposed by the Commission to the Minister of Finance to be included in the Finance Law. The appropriations allocated are entered in the general government budget. CRE is subject to audit by the Court of Auditors
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