Department for Fuel and Energy Complex Regulation under the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic

Department for Fuel and Energy Complex Regulation under the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic


Sectors Regulated:

Electricity, Natural Gas, District Heating, Water (Hot Water)
  • 119 Akhunbayev Street
    720055 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
  •  +996 312 562 815

Regulatory Authority General Information

  • Joined ERRA in 2000 (Founding Member)
  • Established in 1996
  • In 2021, it was transformed into the Department for Fuel and Energy Complex Regulation under the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic on the basis of Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic as of December 20, 2021, No. 320.


  • Legal basis/ mandate
  • Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Energy”, as of October 30, 1996, No. 56, “On Electricity”, as of January 28, 1997, No. 8, “On Energy Saving”, “On the Licensing and Permit System”.
  • Responsibilities
  • 1. Calculates and approves tariffs for electricity, heat and natural gas.
    2. Issues licenses for:
    – generation, transmission, distribution, sale, export and import of electricity;
    – generation, transmission, distribution, sale of heat;
    – oil refining and production, transmission, distribution, sale of natural gas.
    3. Exercises control over compliance with licensing requirements in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of the fuel and energy complex.
    4. Monitors and controls compliance of entities operating in the fuel and energy complex with technical and economic indicators, and also controls correctness of setting and application of prices (tariffs) for electricity, heat and natural gas.
    5. Takes part in elaboration of regulatory and legal acts aimed at improvement of functioning of the fuel and energy complex.
    6. Handles complaints and applications of energy consumers and entities operating in the fuel and energy complex.
  • Authorities
  • Independence: It is an entity that is subordinated to the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Supervised by the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Reports to the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Appeal process: Decisions are appealed in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the Basics of Administrative Activities and Administrative Procedures” No. 210 as of July 31, 2015, or through court proceedings.

Organisational Structure

  • Internal Structure
  • The Director is appointed by the Chair of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic upon nomination of the Minister of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Deputy Director is appointed according to the established procedure in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Working Employees
  • • Decision-Making Level: 8: 1 Director, 1 Deputy Director, 3 Heads of Departments and 3 Heads of Divisions.
  • • Total Number of Employees: 36
  • Budget
  • Financed from the state budget.

Annual Report

Information will be available at a later stage.

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