Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC)

Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC)


Sectors Regulated:

Electricity, Natural Gas, District Heating, Water, Wastewater, Telecommunication, Post, Railway
  •  22 Saryan Street  0002 Yerevan, Armenia
  •  +374 15 584 529

Regulatory Authority General Information

  • Joined ERRA in 2000 (Founding Member)
  • Established in 1997


  • Legal basis/ mandate
  • Law on establishment of a regulatory body for public services approved in December 25, 2003 and amended in February, April, November, December 2007, in December 2013, in June 2015, in June 2017, in September 2019, in January 2020 and in November 2021; Energy law of the Republic of Armenia approved on March 7 2001 and amended in March, in December 2003, in May, in June 2006, in February 2007, in April 2011, in June 2013, in June 2014, in May 2016, in December 2017, in February 2018, in January and April 2020, in June, November and December 2021; Electronic Communications Law of the Republic of Armenia adopted on 8 July 2005 and amended in February and April 2007, in November 2009, in May 2011, in April 2013, in June 2016, in December 2017, in October 2018, in March 2020 and in March and November 2021; Law on Railroad Transport adopted on 28 November, 2007 and amended in February 2013 and in December 2015; Law on Setting and Revising Tariffs for Provision of Services Related to Mandatory Technical Checkup by Means of Technical Diagnostics adopted on 18 December 2007; Law on Postal Communications approved on 14 December 2004 with amendments adopted in December 2005, in December 2006, in April 2007,and in May 2011; the Water Code of the Republic of Armenia adopted on June 4, 2002 and amended in March, November, December 2003, in November and December 2004, in May 2005, in February 2007, in November 2009, in October 2011, in June 2013, in June and December 2015, in June 2016, in November 2017, in March 2018, in June and November 2019, in March, April, October, December 2020 and in November 2021, and other legal acts.
  • Responsibilities
  • In the sector of energy, water and telecommunications, the PSRC implements tariff policy, issues licenses, allocates radio frequencies; in the postal sector it performs tariff regulation of universal services; in the railroad transport sector – calculates and approves the fee for using of the infrastructure, in the field of technical checkup of transport vehicles – sets tariffs for provision of services.
  • Authorities
  • Independence: Independent from the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
  • Reports to: Parliament on annual basis.
  • Appeal process is implemented by administrative and judicial basis

Organisational Structure

  • Organigram
  • Organigram: PSRC Armenia (2022)
  • Internal Structure
  • Chairman and 4 Commissioners
  • Working Employees
  • • Decision-Making Level: 5 (Chairperson and Commissioners)
  • • Total Number of Employees: 134
  • Budget
  • Financed from the national budget approved by the Parliament.

Annual Report