Regulatory Commission for Energy of Republic of Srpska (RERS)

Regulatory Commission for Energy of Republic of Srpska (RERS)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sectors Regulated:

Electricity, Natural Gas, Oil and Liquid Fuel
  • Kraljice Jelene Anžujske Street no. 7
    89101 Trebinje, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • +387 59 272 400

Regulatory Authority General Information

  • Joined ERRA in 2010
  • Established in 2004


  • Legal basis/ mandate
  • Regulatory Commission for Energy of Republic of Srpska (hereinafter RERS) was founded pursuant to the Electricity law as Regulatory Commission for Electricity of Republic of Srpska. Its name was changed and it became Regulatory Commission for Energy of Republic of Srpska as stipulated by the Law on amendment of the Electricity Law (Official Gazette of RS 60/07).
    Pursuant to the energy-related laws – Law on electricity (Official Gazette of RS, 8/08, 34/09, 92/09 and 1/11), Gas law (Official Gazette of RS 86/07, 121/12), Oil and oil derivatives law (Official Gazette of RS 36/09 and 102/12), Energy law (Official Gazette of RS, 49/09) and Law on renewable energy sources and efficient co-generation (Official Gazette of RS 39/13, 108/13 and 79/15), its scope of competences was expanded to other energy fields such as natural gas, oil and oil derivatives and, within the scope of electricity – renewable energy sources.
  • Responsibilities
  • Basic competences in the electricity sector:
    – Monitoring and regulation of relationships between generation, distribution and customers of electricity including traders of electricity;
    – Prescription of the methodology and criteria for determination of price of use of the distribution network and the supply price of electricity for non-eligible customers and methodology for determination of the fee for connection to the distribution network;
    – Making of the tariff system for sale of electricity and use of distribution network;
    – Determination of the tariff rates for distribution system users and tariff rates for non-eligible customers;
    – Issuance or revocation of the licenses for generation, distribution and trade of electricity;
    – Making of general conditions for delivery and supply of electricity;
    – Determination of the electricity price at the plant outlet;
    – Creation of conditions for the market opening, following the requirements stipulated by the Rule book on eligible customer, made by Regulatory Commission in December 2011.
    Basic competences in the natural gas sector:
    – Determination of the methodology for calculation of costs of generation, transport, distribution, storage and supply with natural gas;
    – Determination of the methodology for calculation of costs of connection to the network;
    – Making of the tariff system for calculation of prices for use of the system for generation, transport, distribution, storage of natural gas and tariff system for calculation of the price of natural gas for the tariff customers supply;
    – Determination of the criteria and prescription of the conditions for getting, amendment and revocation of the license for realization of the activities as well as deciding upon, in the proceeding for getting, amendment and revocation of the license for realization of the activity in the natural gas sector;
    – Deciding upon the complaint of the decisions of the transport and distribution system operators in the proceedings for giving consent to the network use and consent for connection to the network;
    – Determination of the minimum annual consumption of the natural gas which is to be used for getting a status of the eligible customer and the status is determined and keeping of the register of eligible customers of natural gas;
    – Giving consent to the rules of operation of the system operator and to the general conditions for supply with natural gas;
    – Giving consent to the energy undertakings for the prices of services and the price of the natural gas supply.
    Basic competences in the oil and oil derivatives sector:
    – Determination of the methodology for calculation of costs of oil transport through oil pipelines and oil derivatives through the product-pipelines;
    – Development of the tariff system for calculation of the price utilization of the oil pipeline, i.e. product-pipeline;
    – Approval of prices for utilization of the oil pipelines, i.e. product-pipelines;
    – Determination of criteria and prescription of terms and conditions for granting, amendment and revocation of the licenses, making decisions in the process for granting, amendment and revocation of licenses for carrying out activities in the oil field and oil derivates; keeping register of the issued licenses and of temporarily or permanently revoked licenses for carrying out activities in the oil field and oil derivates field;
    – Resolving in the second instance per the complaint;
    – Monitoring of the activities which the license is issued for in the oil field and oil derivates field pursuant to this law and principles as stipulated by this law, including monitoring of application of tariff systems and methodology for access and use of the oil pipeline, i.e. product-pipeline and other activities pursuant to the law.
  • Authorities
  • Independence: Independent institution.
  • Supervised by the National Assembly of Republic of Srpska indirectly by the adopting both, the budget and annual report.
  • Reports to the National Assembly on annual basis and upon request. The Annual Report and the Budget of the Regulatory Commission for Energy are sent to the National Assembly for adoption.
  • Appeal process: RERS decisions and rulings are, in all proceedings, final. The party, unsatisfied with RERS decision and ruling, may file a complaint against it, with the competent Court within 30 days following its submission to the respective party.

Organisational Structure

  • Internal Structure
  • The president and four members of the Regulatory Commission for Energy of Republic of Sprska were appointed by the National Assembly, on the proposal of the Government of Republic of Srpska.
    The activities of the Regulatory Commission, in the operational sense, are led by the Secretary.
    4 organizational units: 1) Tariff and Market Department 2) Licensing and Technical Department 3) Legal Department 4) Financial and Administrative Department.
  • Working Employees
  • • Decision-Making Level: 5
  • • Total Number of Employees: 39
  • Budget
  • The Budget is adopted by the National Assembly. RERS is financed by the licensees and while applying for license (regulation and license application fees).

Annual Report

Information will be available at a later stage.