The Ukraine Energy Support Fund will receive a financial donation from the Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA) under an agreement signed yesterday between the Association, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the Energy Community Secretariat. The donation will be used to purchase vital emergency energy equipment and fuels to ease the hardship of Ukrainian people in anticipation of the most challenging winter in decades.
The Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine, Yaroslav Demchenkov, said: “Ukraine is preparing for the upcoming heating season, including in the areas that are under constant shelling by Russian troops. We are working to repair and restore energy infrastructure wherever possible and as soon as possible. And even as Ukraine's brave energy workers on the ground continue day to day repairs, risking their own lives, we cannot do this on enthusiasm alone, when funds are limited. Our energy companies need more resources and equipment, and we are extremely grateful to all those that provide actual tangible support. This is, quite literally, assistance to every Ukrainian who switches on the lights at home.”
The Chairperson of ERRA and Commissioner of the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission, Maia Melikidze, said: “It is our strong belief that thanks to this grant we help to alleviate the hardships of Ukrainian society and to support safeguarding its energy security, which is of utmost importance in the light of the approaching autumn and winter.”
The Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, Artur Lorkowski, said: “As the first non-state institution to do so, ERRA has come to the aid of Ukraine by donating to the Ukraine Energy Support Fund. The regional organization’s solidarity will enable vital repairs of energy infrastructure and help maintain Ukraine’s energy sector operational during wartime.”
The Energy Community Secretariat acts as the fiduciary of the Ukraine Energy Support Fund, which was established to enable Ukraine to receive donations to finance the purchase of fuels, equipment, services and capital needed to repair energy infrastructure damaged during the war.
September 6, 2022
Source: https://www.energy-community.org/news/Energy-Community-News/2022/09/06.html

Source: Energy Community