Berisha, Ardian

Training Expert, ERRA
Managing Consultant, Optima Energy Consulting

Ardian Berisha is a regulatory reform specialist and electricity tariff expert with more than 17 years of experience in power sector reform and energy regulation. Ardian supports regulators improve the stability and predictability of their legal and regulatory frameworks for enhanced infrastructure investments through bankable projects and private sector participation.           

Ardian has worked with donor organizations, IFIs and private clients in more than 40 energy projects in Europe, Middle East, Southern Africa and Eurasia. Ardian spends part of his time advising the Energy Regulators Regional Association and their member regulators to support strengthening and improving regulatory practice among a geographically-diverse member base. He has extensive experience in electricity tariff setting, as a policy developer, implementer and modeler for incentive-based regulation. Ardian is a regular lecturer at ERRA’s Tariff Regulation Courses and provides course directorship for capital review and assessment tools, cost of capital and tariff structuring and design. His work experience includes Eswatini, Moldova, Mozambique, Zambia, Georgia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kosovo, Hungary, Cyprus, Albania, North Macedonia, Italy, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and the Philippines.

Ardian holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics with Mathematical Emphasis from University of Wisconsin – Madison (US) and a Master of Science degree in Economics for Business Analysis (Applied Econometrics) from Staffordshire University (UK).