Bogoly, Sándor

Business Development Advisor

Sándor Bogoly has been working for FGSZ (the Hungarian TSO) as Business Development Advisor, since 2018. He has also worked for FGSZ in different positions since 1985. He and his department were responsible for preparing the Hungarian Natural Gas National Development Plan from 2010 to 2018 including TSO, DSO, and Storage developments. He is working together with the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) Investment, Scenario, and Interoperability Working Groups and also Network Modelling, with Gas Quality and Hydrogen Task Force. ENTSOG Investment Working group is responsible for preparing the European-wide Ten Years Development Plan (TYNDP) for natural gas and hydrogen backbone. He is working with the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) initiative involving 33 TSOs and the South-East European Hydrogen Corridor initiative involved 7 TSOs as well.

Sándor Bogoly Qualifications – MSc Miskolc University (Hungary) Mining Engineer, Natural Gas Engineer (1985), MBA Budapest University of Economic Sciences (Hungary) Management and Development Centre, General Management, Financial Management (1999).

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