The Strategic Advisory Board gives non-binding advice to the ERRA Presidium on strategic issues of the Association with special emphasis on performance, sustainability, new business ideas and organisational efficiency. The Board is supposed to enhance international relations and is in the position to promote ERRA on international fora. The Board consists of five members invited by the Presidium and shall serve for a 2-year period.

ERRA Strategic Advisory Board Members

Mr. Walter Boltz

Chairman of the Board

Senior Adviser in European Energy
Member of EU ACER’s Board of Appeal
Former Executive Director, E-Control

Ms. Colette Honorable

Vice-Chair of the Board

Executive Vice President of Public Policy and Chief External Affairs Officer
United States of America

Mr. Abdulwahhab Al Hinai

Member of the Board

General Counsel, Legal
OQ (Oman Oil Company)

Mr. Ashok Bhargava

Member of the Board

Senior Consultant and Advisor in Clean Energy – Climate Change
Former Director for Energy and Chair of the Energy Sector Group, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Dr hab. Mariusz Swora

Member of the Board

Former ERRA Vice-Chairman
Former President, Energy Regulatory Office of Poland

Former ERRA Strategic Advisory Board Members and Terms

    • Dr. Alparslan Bayraktar, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Türkiye; former ERRA Chairman; 2017–2023
    • Mr. David Boyd, former Commissioner, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, USA; 2017–2020