Bronišová, Mária

Head of International Relations
Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO)

Ms. Mária Bronišová is currently working for Slovak Regulatory Authority (ÚRSO) as Head of International Relations Deportment and REMIT (from 2019).

Her work consists of: European legislation: ensuring the monitoring, active cooperation in commenting process, in close coordination with ACER and CEER working groups (electricity and gas sector) and at national level with Member state (Ministry), dealing with consumer agenda – new conditions and activities, assuming reporting and monitoring, tariffication process implementation in gas, underground gas storage – condition, coordination of the process at regional and pan EU level - electricity interconnected EU system, wholesale market monitoring – REMIT regulation. Enforcement of network codes implementation; Energy market analysis, evolution assessment of resources, investments needs, project of common interest and price evolution on the markets; Active cooperation with ACER, CEER, ERRA, energy regulators, EC – DG ENER, DG COMP and stakeholders mainly (TSOs, DSOs, traders).