Renewable Hydrogen from Oman: A producer economy in transition
Oman’s high-quality renewable energy resources and vast tracts of available land make it well placed to produce large quantities of low-emissions hydrogen – a fledgling industry today that can attract investment to diversify and expand the country’s export revenues while reducing its natural gas consumption and emissions, according to a new report IEA just released today.
It is the first IEA report of its kind that analyses renewable hydrogen potential in a fossil fuel producer country. Oman aims to produce at least 1 million tons of renewable hydrogen a year by 2030, up to 3.75 million tonnes by 2040 – and up to 8.5 million tonnes by 2050, which would be greater than total hydrogen demand in Europe today. The 2040 hydrogen target would represent 80% of Oman’s current LNG exports in energy-equivalent terms, while achieving the 2050 target would almost double them.