The purpose of the third edition of the series of ERRA webinars on Energy Market Surveillance is to present two important areas related to market surveillance, namely sanctioning and procedural measures. During the first part of the webinar, representatives of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of the U.S. will present powers of regulators and sanctioning under U.S. laws while the speaker of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators will present issues related to market surveillance under REMIT. Consequently, the second part of the program will be devoted to case studies illustrating various abusive practices in energy markets.
Roster of Webinar Speakers
ERRA is grateful for the support by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority that made this webinar available for the public.

Webinar Content Contributors

Webinar Recording
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Webinar Presentations
- Tomaž Vižintin, ACER: Market Surveillance at ACER
- Jay Matson/Jeremy Medovoy/Katie Walsh, FERC: Overview of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Penalty Authority,Enforcement Procedure, Representative Matters and Penalty Challenges
- Nathan Macwhinnie, Ofgem: Case study of OFGEM
- Danielle Mechling, FERC: Footprint: Re-evaluating Enforcement Positions
- Jānis Negribs, PUC Latvia: Breach of obligation to publish inside information