In the dynamic geopolitical landscape and evolving energy sector’s architecture, ensuring the security of supply remains a top priority for policymakers and regulators. As energy markets undergo profound transformations and face unprecedented challenges, assessing, comparing, and learning from diverse national approaches becomes increasingly paramount. The report goes beyond just looking at laws. It digs into how things work on the ground, what different countries are doing to keep the lights on and the energy flowing, particularly:
- Infrastructure and demand characteristics,
- Regulatory framework,
- Incentives to achieve security of supply.
The report is structured as follows:
- Chapter 1 - Pillars of Security of Supply
- Chapter 2 - Challenges Faces by the EU in terms of Security of Supply
- Chapter 3 - Regulatory Framework for Security of Supply on the EU Level
- Chapter 4 - Sample Cases of Gas Supply Security
- Chapter 5 - Comparative Analysis of Gas Supply Security across Different Countries – Cross-Continental Survey
This benchmarking initiative would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions of the participating ERRA Natural Gas Markets and Economic Regulation Committee member NRAs.

ERRA Benchmarking Report: Legislation, Mechanisms and Experience in Ensuring the Security of Supply of Natural Gas