June 2021 regulatory story derives from the Dubai’s Emirate news on the new resolution that sets out basis for District Cooling regulatory oversight.
In March 2021, Dubai’s Executive Council issued a resolution introducing regulation to the District Cooling sector in the Emirate.
The Regulatory and Supervisory Bureau (RSB) will regulate Service Providers – those that own and operate District Cooling Systems; and Billing Agents – those that manage the onward billing of cooling services within buildings.
The Executive Council Resolution grants powers to the RSB to:
- Set technical standards,
- Prescribe measures that a Licensee may take against customers in arrears,
- Resolve disputes,
- Approve the basis on which district cooling services are charged and the content of bills,
- Set a standard contract for the provision of district cooling services,
- Approve licensee’s complaint handling processes, and
- Adjudicate where a service provider objects to another’s application to use infrastructure service corridors in the highway.
More details about the process are available in the article!
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