(*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.)
Sectors Regulated:
Electricity, Natural Gas, District Heating
Str.Bekim Fehmiu (Ex-Fazita Building), 2nd FLoor 1000 Pristina, Kosovo
Law on the Energy Regulator (Law No. 03/L-185), Law on Energy (Law 03/L-184) and Law on Electricity (Law No. 03/L-201).
The amended Energy Laws are adopted by the Assembly of Kosovo and has entered into force from 01.12.2010.
Law on District Heating (Law No. 03/L-116) in force from 20 November 2008.
Law on Natural Gas (Law No. 03/L-133) in force from 02.11.2009.
ERO is responsible for establishment and enforcement of a regulatory framework for the energy sector (electricity, district heating and natural gas) in Kosovo, ensuring non-discrimination, effective competition, and the efficient functioning of energy market.
The responsibilities of the Energy Regulatory Office are set with Law on Energy Regulator (Law No. 03/L-185) and are exercised through:
– issuing, modifying, revoking licenses for energy activities, and monitoring such licensed energy activities;
– issuing authorizations for construction of new generating capacities;
– approving tariffs and pricing methodology for regulated activities;
– settlement of disputes between licensees and customers, etc.
• Independence: ERO is an independent agency established by the Assembly of Kosovo.
• Reports to: Assembly of Kosovo, by submitting annual report and budget for review.
• Appeal process: The decisions, acts or rules issued by Energy Regulatory Office can be appealed to Administrative court.
Organisational Structure
Internal Structure
The Board of ERO is comprised of five members. The term for appointed members is 5 years. The Chairman of the Board is representing the Energy Regulatory Office before third parties.
ERO of Kosovo consists of 5 departments as follows:
– Legal and Licensing Department;
– Consumer Protection Department;
– Energy Market Department;
– Pricing and Tariffs Department;
– District Heating and Gas Department.
All departments are supported by Administration Unit.
Working Employees
• Decision-Making Level: 5
• Total Number of Employees: 23
Starting from 2007, ERO had achieved its financial independence and self-sustainability by financing its activities from licensing fees.