Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA)

Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA)


Sectors Regulated:

Electricity, Natural Gas, District Heating
  •  Ulica grada Vukovara 14  10000 Zagreb, Croatia
  •  +385 1 632 3777

Regulatory Authority General Information

  • Joined ERRA in 2002
  • Established in 2002


  • Legal basis/ mandate
  • Act on the Regulation of Energy Activities (“Official Gazette”, No. 120/12, 68/18); Energy Act (“Official Gazette”, No. 120/12, 14/14, 102/15, 68/18); Act on the Electricity Market (“Official Gazette”, No. 111/21); Act on the Gas Market (“Official Gazette”, No. 18/18, 23/20); Act on Liquified Natural Gas Terminal (“Official Gazette”, No. 57/18); Act on the Oil and Oil Derivatives Market (“Official Gazette”, No. 19/14, 73/17, 96/19); Act on Production, Distribution and Supply of Thermal Energy (“Official Gazette”, No. 80/13,14/14); Act on Renewable Energy Sources and High-efficiency Cogeneration (“Official Gazette, No. 138/21).
  • Responsibilities
  • • Issuance of licences to perform energy activities, monitoring the energy undertaking in their performing of energy activities, giving approval to the market rules for electricity and natural gas,
  • • Issuing decisions on acquiring of the status of eligible energy producer, adopting methodologies i.e. tariff systems and fixing or approving prices, amounts of tariff items and remunerations in accordance with this methodologies i.e. tariff systems,
  • • Giving approval to investment plans as well as system development and construction plans, adopting the general conditions of energy supply, monitoring the transparency of functioning of the energy market.
  • Authorities
  • Independence: The Energy Regulation Act stipulates that HERA is an independent legal entity with public authority to regulate energy activities.
  • Supervised by the Croatian Parliament.
  • Reports to the Croatian Parliament.
  • Appeal process: to the Administrative Court.

Organisational Structure

  • Organigram
  • Organigram: HERA Croatia (2022)
  • Internal Structure
  • 1. The Board of Commissioners of HERA 2. Independent Department for Internal Auditing 3. President of the Board of Commissioners’ Office 4. HERA’s Technical Services: Electricity Division, Gas and Oil Division, Thermal Energy Division, Legal Affairs and Human Resources, Support Services Division
  • Working Employees
  • • Decision-Making Level: 5
  • • Total Number of Employees: 82
  • Budget
  • Funds for financing the work of the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency are to be secured from the following sources: 1) income from its own activities (based on charging non-recurring fees and compensations: licensing, dispute settlements, opinions and other energy related regulatory activities); 2) the amount of 0.05% from the total annual income realized in the previous year by the energy undertakings which carry out one or more energy activities based on the license for carrying out energy activities.

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