ERRA publishes its first natural gas report prepared by the Natural Gas Markets and Economic Regulation Committee (NG COM). The report titled: "2020 NG COM introductory survey results – A status quo Report" comprises detailed information regarding ERRA gas markets, their level of liberalization as well as regulatory regime characteristics.
The main contents of the report are divided between three major categories:
1. Demand and supply characteristics
Insights on:
- yearly natural gas consumption and its breakdown for sectors,
- ratio of domestic production compared to total consumption,
- import possibilities,
- entry points and storage facilities.
2. Unbundling and market structure information
Insights on:
- level of unbundling between: the transmission network and trading segments, distribution network company(s) and the retailer(s), storage and the trading segments;
- number of DSOs in the market,
- number of active suppliers at retail level.
3. Price regulation regimes in place
Insights on:
- share of the retail market under end user price regulation,
- transmission and distribution tariff setting,
- wholesale price formation,
- balancing,
- storage.
This natural gas report is based on input received from 21 member organizations.
ERRA would like to deeply thank Mr. Mehmet Kürkcü, EMRA, Turkey – NG COM Chair and Mr. Viesturs Kadikis, PUC, Latvia – Committee Vice-Chair, who completed the natural gas markets' report.