Natural gas markets face a turmoil, due to short term shocks like the COVID pandemic, but more importantly to long term changes of the energy policy agenda, that is shifting towards decarbonization. How to set infrastructure tariffs and redistribute social benefits and costs in a national system and in a cross-border setting?
The course will provide participants with an overview of the fundamental policy objectives and the policy measures available to achieve these objectives. The course will guide you through the steps of natural gas infrastructure tariff and end user price setting in theory and in practice. It does so through an instructor-led collaborative e-learning platform that features a combination of real-time interactive presentations, Excel modelling exercises, online tutoring at pre-announced times, reading material related to the course modules and weekly exercises coupled with homework assignments. The course will last a total of 4 weeks.
The training is based on a self-paced collaborative e-learning platform that features a combination of real-time interactive presentations by the instructors, Excel modeling exercises, online tutoring at pre-announced times, reading material related to the course modules and weekly exercises coupled with homework assignments.
- Proposed average weekly engagement: 6-8 hours
- Live Sessions are starting at 09:00 CET (GMT+1, Budapest time). | Convert to your time zone
The course will run for 4 weeks with the following weekly sequence:
Day 1
Real-time presentations on the presented materials. Presentations will be followed by Q&A sessions. Presentations will be recorded and made available to those who could not join the real-time presentations.
Day 2
Real-time presentations on the presented materials. Presentations will be followed by Q&A sessions. Presentations will be recorded and made available to those who could not join the real-time presentations. Distribution of weekly assignments.
Day 3
Self-paced work.Day 4
Online tutoring for the duration of 2 hours.Day 5
Submission of weekly assignment .Day 5 (on last week)
The course will conclude with a final multiple choice test at the end of Week 4.Completion
10 CER credits will be awarded to those participants who successfully completed the course. Learn more about ERRA Certified Energy Regulator Programme.