The basic idea of a system of GOs is based on the physical fact that once the energy produced is delivered to the electricity, gas, or heat system, its origin can no longer be distinguished. In order to support the installation and efficient operation of various renewable energy technologies, the members of the ERRA Renewable Energy Committee have undertaken the task of mapping the existence of GOs schemes.
Our latest internal survey results on Guarantees of Origin Systems, prepared based on information received from 20 ERRA-member countries. The analysis is prepared by:
- Ms. Jana Vášová, Energy Regulatory Office of the Czech Republic
- Mr. Gledis Kalemi, Energy Regulatory Authority, Albania
The Report composes the following primary chapters examining:
- Member State Responses and GO Systems
- GO System: Varied Involvement of NRAs and Functions
- Publicly Supported Energy Production
- GOs and benefits for end consumer
- Barriers and Solutions: Navigating the Path of GO Development
- The current and planned future roll-out of GOs

Report on the implementation of the Guarantees of Origin Systems - Analysis of the ERRA Renewable Energy Committee