Akram, Sajid

ERRA Presidium Member; Additional Director General
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA)

Mr. Sajid Akram is a finance professional with expertise in energy sector. He is an ACMA CGMA from UK, Associate member of CPA Australia, and also holds a master’s degree in the field of Strategic Business Management.

He has been working with National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) of Pakistan for the last 14 years. He joined as Dy. Director and currently holds the position of Additional Director General and heads the Tariff Division of NEPRA . His division is responsible for the tariff setting processes of generation plants, electricity network services , drafting Tariff methodologies & Regulations, Financial Analysis and dealing with the issues relating to the development of markets. Prior to NEPRA , he has served in the private sector. He has been part of many ERRA activities since 2015, particularly as a member of Tariff Committee.

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