Kapetanovic, Tahir

Head of Power Grid Control
Austrian Power Grid

Tahir Kapetanovic is Head of Power Grid Control – the national control centre of Austrian Power Grid, the TSO of Austria. In ENTSO-E he is chair of System Operations Committee, where earlier he managed the development of operational network codes and the regional TSOs’ coordination. In TSC he was a member and chair of Operational Board.

Between 2001 and 2011 he was Director of Electricity at the Austrian energy regulator E-Control. While at E-Control, he established and led numerous working groups of CEER, ERGEG and – upon ist setup in 2010 – ACER. Tahir was founding member of EU Technology Platform Smart Grids and served EU Commission in Smart Grids groups and task forces.

Between 1992 and 2001 he held positions in private sector and industry, starting his career end of 1980-ies as the university assistant and lecturer.

Dr. Kapetanovic is licensed System Operator of Austrian transmission grid and licensed trader on EPEX Spot and EEX. He holds Dipl.-Ing. and MSc in power systems from University of Zagreb, PhD in power systems from TU Wien and Executive MBA from University of Minnesota and Vienna University of Economics and Busines.