Lee, King

Head of Policy and Industry Engagement
World Nuclear Association (WNA)

Mr. King Lee is the Head of Policy and Industry Engagement at World Nuclear Association. Mr Lee lead the policy and outreach activities of the Association, promoting nuclear energy by working with the nuclear community to engage with key policy makers and stakeholders on the important role of nuclear energy as part of the clean energy system for sustainable development. Mr Lee oversee the Association’s Working Groups to support industry to share, collaborate and define collective industry positions. He also represents the Association at international forums including leading cooperation with key international institutions, such as United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Clean Energy Ministerial and World Energy Council.

Previously, Mr Lee was Head of Nuclear Development at Lloyd’s Register, where he led strategic business development and provided technical and commercial oversight major nuclear projects in UK, China, Korea and UAE.

Mr. Lee is the Chair of UNECE Nuclear Fuel Working Group and Vice Chair of UNECE Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems. Mr Lee was the Vice-Chair of the Energy Institute Process Safety Committee. He is a member of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Nuclear Innovation 2050 Advisory Panel and Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) Flexible Nuclear Campaign Working Group.