Lenauer, Andrea

Senior International Relations Advisor
Ms Andrea Lenauer is Senior International Relations Advisor at the Austrian regulatory authority E-Control. For 20 years now, she has put a lot of energy and passion into international cooperation of regulatory authorities in Europe and beyond and set up the CEER representation Brussels. She was also a pioneer in the Energy Community, acting as Head of Section for the Energy Community Regulatory Board (ECRB). Since 2016, she has shared her knowledge about the process of liberalisation and European regulation and her international experience with mentees in the ICER Women in Energy programme and has most recently started a series of interviews with women about their personal success stories within ERRA. Since 2021, she has elaborated a new programme for women in the energy sector (WIE) as ICER Vice Chair, placing mid-career women worldwide at its centre. Since June 2023 Ms Lenauer is acting WIE Chair of the ICER Women in Energy Programme: Peer Coaching, ender disaggregated Reporting, Communication and NETWorking.