Szolnoki, Pálma

Senior Research Associate
Zero Carbon Hub, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Ms Szolnoki is a senior research associate at Zero Carbon Hub based at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Her topics include the decarbonizational transformation of the natural gas sector. Earlier she was responsible for natural gas market monitoring at the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority. She has been active in the natural gas sector since 2004. She started her carrier at REKK where she was leading natural gas market related projects and gave regularly lectures at Corvinus University and at ERRA. Later she joined the then newly formed Hungarian natural gas exchange (CEEGEX) and then the natural gas division of the Hungarian national energy company MVM Partner. Preceding HEA she was a senior business analyst at IP Systems the primary provider of IT solutions to the region’s gas sector players and also the developer of the EU acknowledged Regional Booking Platform the allocation platform of natural gas interconnection capacities.

In 2017 she won 1st prize at the ERRA Regulatory Research Award with her paper on natural gas balancing.

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