Energy regulatory bodies play one of the most essential roles in modern energy systems. Considering the international experience, most existing legislations define the basic principles of the functioning of the energy regulatory bodies, which are more or less common at the international level.
It is worth noting that the functions of energy regulators, which are determined by the modern legal regulations of different countries, undergo constant transformation, improvement and development over time. In addition, the discussion about the role and function of energy regulators in the future is still ongoing. The preceding research paper aims to analyze these issues. It presents the functional evolution of energy regulators from the beginning. Some considerations regarding the future of energy regulators are also offered. The paper also presents the results of the Survey conducted among the regulators of different countries of the world. It provides essential information on the functional evolution of the regulators and the perspectives of how the regulators see their future activities and functions.
The research paper was prepared b Dr. Givi Adamia, Secondee of ERRA, Chief Specialist of the Legal Department at the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory (GNERC).

The Evolutionary Journey of Energy Regulators: Navigating the Transforming Landscape of Energy Regulation