ERRA’s new Research Paper titled: Unbundling and certification of gas transmission system operators in line with the EU acquis is now available. It provides a refreshed perspective on gas TSOs unbundling and certification with 3 case studies on the certification process in EU and its neighbouring countries.
The detailed contents of the report include:
- Executive summary;
- What is unbundling and why is it implemented – with a summary table on the transmission unbundling status in selected ERRA NG COM countries;
- Types of unbundling under the 3rd Energy Package;
- Certification and Designation of TSOs with steps and pathways visualized in diagrams;
- EU Certification procedures;
- Certification case studies from Czechia, Serbia and North Macedonia;
- Conclusions.
The document was prepared by the Natural Gas Committee members in cooperation with Mr Janez Kopač, former Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, providing additional contributions and conclusions to the final publication.

Unbundling and certification of gas transmission system operators in line with the EU acquis