ERRA is proud to announce the publishing of its new Report on Smart Meter Penetration in Select ERRA Member Countries issued jointly by 3 ERRA working bodies: Electricity Markets and Economic Regulation COM, the Renewable Energy COM and the Customer Protection WG. The results received from 19 member organizations provide some new comparisons on the role of smart meters in different countries’ electricity markets, leading us to identify recommendations and best-practice-examples towards this hot topic.
The document provides an analysis based on a questionnaire, which targeted the smart meter deployment status, strategies & plans by addressing the following points:
- Overview of the total available number, type and responsible entities for the metering points on the retail customers’ side;
- Cost-benefit Analyses’ results and related data;
- Roll-out plans and strategies;
- Technical requirements and specifications;
- Main drivers and challenges for deployment;
- Services and business models that rely on the chosen roll-out strategy and functionalities of smart meters;
- Additional legislation for the roll-out plan;
- Time-of-use tariff deployments;
- The deployment of smart meters in different sectors than electricity.
ERRA would like to convey special thanks to Mr. Khaled Khallaf from GasReg Egypt and Mr. Gregor Thenius and Ms. Karina Knaus from Austrian Energy Agency for their valuable inputs in preparation of the report. Separate acknowledgments to all the Members who provided the necessary data.