The ERRA Regulatory Tools for Capital Expenditure Review and Assessment hybrid training is a step-by-step practical overview of the measures regulators can employ to review and assess the reasonableness of capital expenditure projects proposed by regulated licensees. We continue our partnership with seasoned experts from DNV Energy Systems and will focus on integrating capital expenditure in the regulatory asset base, methods for assessing capital expenditure projects and quantifying costs and benefits under CBA analysis and regulatory considerations in asset stranding. Discussions will be followed by excel calculations to enhance practical learning opportunities.
By attending the 2-day course you will gain increased understanding on:
- The impact of capex on allowed revenues;
- Tools employed by regulators to review the reasonableness of capex proposals;
- CBA analysis used in capital expenditure projects;
- Regulatory policy on asset utilization and asset stranding;
- Mathematical tools on investment decisions;
- Excel modelling exercises.
The course eligible for 5 CER credits. Please refer to the Certified Energy Regulator (CER) Programme for more details.
The program is available to classroom and remote participants parallel. Thus, if you cannot travel to Budapest for any reason, you do not need to miss this unique learning opportunity, you can sign up for online participation.
Course Faculty Team
Registered Participants
HEP-Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o, Croatia | Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), France | Electricity Company of Ghana | DESFA S.A., Greece | Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Latvia | National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC), Lithuania | Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), Philippines | Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC), USA
Travelling to Hungary
Please verify the visa requirements of Hungary by contacting the Hungarian Embassy in your country. The list of diplomatic missions is available here: https://konzinfo.mfa.gov.hu/en/embassies#hungarian-embassies-abroad. The list of countries whose citizens do not require visas to enter Hungary can be found at https://konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/visa-waiver-agreements.
List of third countries, where a Schengen state issues visas on behalf of Hungary is available on this page: https://konzinfo.mfa.gov.hu/en/list-third-countries-where-schengen-state-issues-visas-behalf-hungary
In case you need an entry visa, please immediately contact the ERRA Secretariat! To prepare a visa invitation letter for you, please send us your passport copy and indicate the Embassy where you are applying for the visa.
ERRA Members
Non-ERRA Members
Student Testimonials
Mr. Goran Babić, HERA, Croatia
overall rating of the course