ERRA’s Training Series on the Economic Regulation of the Energy Sector is a unique opportunity for regulators and utility professionals to obtain a sound understanding of the fundamental objectives of price regulation and the techniques regulators employ to achieve them.
It is the first part of a series of 4 individual training modules designed specifically for professionals who seek to become proficient in the regulatory economics of the energy industry.
The 1st module on Economic Regulation is the central anchor of the package covering all of the topics in the training programme on a higher level, while focusing on the principles of economic regulation, applied regulatory models, the building-block approach to revenue-setting and revenue determinants. It also provides introductory principles of cost-allocation, tariff structure and tariff design.
The remaining modules will cover (1) Capital Expenditure Review and Assessment Tools (2) Setting the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and (3) Network & End-user Tariff Design completed over a 15-month cycle. Each module is a stand-alone training that can be attended separately.
For more information and to express your interest in the courses, please contact the ERRA Secretariat.
Energy Sector’s Economic Regulation Training Series:
September 16 – 17, 2024 (2-day course) | Budapest, Hungary | 5 CER credits
January 27 – 29, 2025 (3-day course) | Athens, Greece | 5 CER credits
May 26 – 28, 2025 (3-day course) | Istanbul, Türkiye | 5 CER credits
The tariff regulation course is the central anchor of the economic regulation training package. It covers all of the topic in the training programme on a higher level, while focusing on the principles of economic regulation, applied regulatory models, the building-block approach to revenue-setting and revenue determinants. It also provides introductory principles of cost-allocation, tariff structure and tariff design.
This course is eligible for 10 CER credits. More information on the Certified Energy Regulator (CER).
Course Agenda
- Unbundling, energy sector reform and deregulation
- Electricity Wholesale Market Models
- Economics of Price Regulation
- Capex Assessment Tools and RAB integration
- Financing the infrastructure: WACC considerations
- Efficiency incentives and efficiency analysis
- Setting the allowed revenues: The TOTEX approach
- Modeling the allowed revenues: Excel Exercise
- Principles of network tariff design
- Tariff Regulation in practice: Case studies (2x)
- Principles of End-use Tariff design
- Final test
For detailed agenda please contact the ERRA Secretariat.
Course Faculty Team
Konstantin Petrov
Course Instructor