Goga Daraselia


ERRA Regulatory Story of the Quarter: Kosovo’s* First Solar Auction

Kosovo* recently completed its 100 MW solar auction, a significant step towards a 35% RES target and carbon neutrality. A predictable regulatory framework and a transparent and inclusive bidding process attracted a high number of participants, reducing the bid price over consecutive sessions towards the winning bid of 48.88 EUR/MWh.

OIES Paper: From Natural Gas to Hydrogen

This paper analyses the impact of this framework on the existing natural gas networks and the emerging hydrogen network and seeks to establish specifically whether its rules ensure flexibility and security of supply. 

RAP Paper: Will price cannibalisation kill the market for wind and solar?

In his work, Mr. Dominic Scott the Senior Advisor and Consultant of RAP discusses the sustainability of investments in renewable energy because. He explains the price cannibalization and outlines several factors for it such as the falling costs of solar and wind technologies, the role of carbon pricing and the need for flexible technologies to manage fluctuations in renewable energy supply.

EUI Report: Contracts-for-Difference to Support Renewable Energy Technologies

In this report, EUI presents the major application and impact areas of CfDs in a European context, describes the most relevant design dimensions and discusses several design packages for CfDs as combinations of distinct design choices separately and in comparison. They also provide a detailed overview of CfD schemes implemented in Europe.

OIES Paper on Decarbonizing Germany’s Heating Sector

The paper provides information on the existing flexibility related data exchange that DSO's are involved with and identifies possible future involvement which also may require NRAs’ attention, while outlining some of the recent and ongoing developments at EU level.