Krisztina Csombor


ERRA lost a friend, a former colleague: Ms. Réka Timár

Réka was a founding staff person of ERRA, she worked with us for more than 10 years. She brought us creativity, elegance, perfectionism, sense of humour and love. Her sudden passing came as a shock to us, our team is in grief and in remembrance. Please pay your tribute to Réka by watching a short video that she prepared for ERRA in 2020 >>.

Countries that are making unexpected gains in their energy transitions

Despite the singular global goal of net zero emissions, countries will have to find their own paths to reach it, and the routes are many and varied. While some nations have been leading the World Economic Forum’s Energy Transition Index score for a decade, others are now seeing seismic changes to their score. So which countries are making unexpected progress in their energy transitions, and what’s behind this improvement?