Krisztina Csombor


Which EU countries are making the most progress with their emissions reductions?

EU greenhouse gas emissions fell almost 3% in the first quarter of 2023, compared to the previous year. Emissions reductions were recorded in 21 of the 27 EU member states, with Bulgaria achieving a 15.2% drop – the biggest of any EU country. The World Economic Forum’s Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023 report found there has been broad progress globally on embracing clean, sustainable energy.

The Role of CCUS in the EU’s Net-Zero Vision by 2050

To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the EU must embark on an unprecedented scale of change in both the power system and the entire economy, encompassing a diverse range of technologies and solutions. As the landscape of technologies continues to evolve, predicting the scale, pace, costs, and potentials of these developments remains a formidable challenge, prompting the EU to adopt a strategy rooted in the integration of various approaches (a mix of technologies and solutions).

‘Without renewables, there can be no future’: 5 ways to power the energy transition

Transitioning to renewable energy is the key to securing humanity’s survival, as “without renewables, there can be no future”, according to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, ahead of the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, marked on 7 September.

World Economic Forum: How to ensure a just transition to a green economy

A just transition is the process of saving the planet by moving to a low-carbon economy in a way that is fair and equitable for everyone. The concept of a just transition entered the broader climate change agenda during the Paris Climate Change Conference in 2015. The clean energy revolution has created new jobs and opportunities, but has challenged fossil fuel and carbon-intensive companies. To avoid jobs being lost and the social impact that comes with that, just transition is needed.

World Economic Forum: Storage is the key to the renewable energy revolution

Investment in renewable energy is skyrocketing, in line with ambitious national targets aimed at curbing carbon emissions. As renewable energy capacity grows, better ways of storing this energy should be identified, to avoid waste and deal with demand spikes. Utility companies and other providers are increasingly focused on developing effective long-term energy storage solutions.