Workplan of the CP COM for 2024-2026
- Ms. Violina ȘPAC, Director, National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE), Moldova
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Short presentations by CP COM Members based on a template
- Roundtable discussion
- Short presentations by CP COM Members based on a template
- Roundtable discussion
- Case study by Ms. Alexandra DIALA, Expert, Retail Electricity Market Department, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE)
- Q&A
- We are seeking for at least 2 volunteers for country case studies on the topic
- Q&A
- Mr. Viktor Szilágy, International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH); ERRA CP Committee Vice-Chair
- Q&A
- Short presentations by CP COM Members based on a template
- Roundtable discussion
- Short presentations by CP COM Members based on a template
- Roundtable discussion
- Case study by Ms. Tatia Pirashvili, Chief Specialist of the Consumers’ Complaints Department, Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC)
- Q&A
- Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Senior Program Manager, ERRA Secretariat
Registered Participants
Updated on March 5
- Ms. Lusine Aleksanyan, Chief Specialist of Application Review Division, Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC), Armenia
- Ms. Jonida Babaj, Head of Sector, Customer Care Department, Albanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ERE)
- Mr. Moussa Fateh, In Charge of Studies, Electricity and Gas Regulatory Commission (CREG), Algeria
- Mr. Iulian Guzun, Head of Misdemeanors Section, National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE), Moldova
- Mr. Margus Kasepalu, Chairman of the CP WG; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Ms. Alba Malo, Head of Sector, Customer Care Department, Albanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ERE)
- Ms. Tatia Pirashvili, Chief Specialist of the Consumers’ Complaints Department, Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission
- Ms. Karima Sadou, Head of Consumer and Conciliation Department, Electricity and Gas Regulatory Commission (CREG), Algeria
- Ms. Natalia Savca, Head of the Legal Department, National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE), Moldova
- Mr. Alexandros Smirniotis, Energy Expert, Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAAEY), Greece
- Mr. Viktor Szilágy, Vice-Chairman of the CP WG; International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
Travelling to Moldova
If you need a visa to Moldova, we highly recommend you start your visa procedure as soon as possible at the relevant Embassy in your country. You can check on this webpage if you need visa or not to enter Moldova.
In case you need a visa invitation letter please contact the ERRA Secretariat immediately by providing your passport copy and indicating the Embassy where you will be applying for the visa or if you are eligible for eVisa.
Venue/ Logistics
Richmond Hotel
115 Columna Street, Chisinau, Moldova | Website >>
The hotel is offering a 15% discount per room for our guests.
- To obtain the discount, guests must book their room by emailing info@richmond.md and mentioning that they are attending the ANRE meeting.
- Important: The discount does not apply to reservations made through Booking.com or other similar platforms.
Hotels nearby
- Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel | Website >>
- Mercure Chisinau Center Jazz Hotel | Website >>
- Bristol Central Park Hotel | Website >>
- Nobil Luxury Boutique Hotel | Website >>
Airport transfers
- The airport is located 14 km from the city center.
- Public transport: Trolleybus No. 30 runs from 06:00 – 23:27.
- Taxi services are available.
- Free airport transfer: We can arrange transportation from the airport to the hotel. To organize this, please provide flight details and arrival times for each guest. Our team will meet them at the airport exit.
Group Dinner
On April 9, ANRE Moldova is inviting all guests to a dinner outside the city. The travel time is approximately 1 hour, bus transportation will be provided for the group.
Past Meetings
- Mr. Margus Kasepalu, Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority; ERRA CP Committee Chairman
- Ms. Krisztina Csombor, Senior Program Manager, CP COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Mr. Luca Lo Schiavo, ERRA Senior Regulatory Specialist
- Mr. Onur Uyanusta, Energy Expert, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Case Study of Poland by Ms. Zofia Janiszewska, Advisor to the President, Department of Markets Development and Consumer Issues, Energy Regulatory Office (URE), Poland
- Case Study of Moldova by Mr. Iulian Guzun, Head of Misdemeanors Section, National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE), Moldova
- Discussion
- Case Study of Armenia by Ms. Lusine Aleksanyan, Chief Specialist of Application Review Division of Financial and Technical and Application Review Department, Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC), Armenia
- Case Study of the Czech Republic by Ms. Lucie Chmelíčková, Lawyer, Legislative Unit, Energy Regulatory Office (ERÚ), Czech Republic.
- Discussion
- Mr. Viktor Szilágy, International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH); ERRA CP Committee Vice-Chair
- Timeline of the Report
- Please save the dates of April 9-10, 2025 in your calendars!
- Finding volunteers for the topics
- Ms. Krisztina Csombor, Senior Program Manager, CP COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
Hosted by the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAAEY) of Greece
- Mr. Dimitrios FOURLARIS, Vice President, Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAAEY), Greece
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Short presentations by CP WG Members (1-2 slides)
- (updated on October 14) Presentation by ERE Albania, PSRC Armenia, AERA Azerbaijan, SERC Bosnia and Herzegovina, FERK, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ECA Estonia, GNERC Georgia, MEKH Hungary, PUC Latvia, NERC Lithuania, ANRE Moldova, ERC North Macedonia, URE Poland, ANRE Romania, EMRA Türkiye
- Roundtable discussion
- Short presentations by CP WG Members (1-2 slides)
- Roundtable discussion
- Intoductory presentation by Mr. Mohammed ALANAZI, Consumer Relations Department (Customer Affairs), Saudi Electricity Regulatory Authority (SERA), Saudi Arabia
- Case study of Georgia: Ms. Ana NEBIERIDZE, Chief Lawyer, Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC)
- Q&A
- Ms. Evi FRAGKOUDAKI, Head of Unit of European and International Affairs, Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAAEY), Greece
- Q&A
- Ms. Irene IAKOVIDES, Director Retail Markets & Consumer Protection Energy Sector, Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAAEY), Greece
- Roundtable discussion on sharing experiences
- Introductory presentation by Ms. Lamia LAOUARI, Study Engineer, Consumer Protection Department, Electricity and Gas Regulatory Commission (CREG), Algeria
- Each CP WG member is requested to present a few slides on the topic based on a template. (Remaining topic from the Bucharest meeting.)
- Roundtable discussion
- Ms. Evi FRAGKOUDAKI, Head of Unit of European and International Affairs, Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAAEY), Greece
- Q&A
- Q&A
- Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Senior Program Manager, ERRA Secretariat
- Mr. Margus Kasepalu, Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority; ERRA CP Committee Chairman
- Mr. Viktor Szilágy, International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH); ERRA CP Committee Vice-Chair
- Discussion
- Finding volunteers for the topics
- Ms. Krisztina Csombor, Senior Program Manager, CP COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Mr. Viktor Szilágy, International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH); ERRA CP Committee Vice-Chair
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority; ERRA CP Committee Acting Chairman
- Moderator: Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Senior Program Manager, CP COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Moderator: Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Senior Program Manager, CP COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Moderator: Mr. Viktor SZILÁGY, International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH); ERRA CP Committee Acting Vice-Chair
- Discussion
- CP COM detailed Workplan 2024-26 in Excel
- Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Senior Program Manager, CP COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
Hosted by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE)
- Mr. George-Sergiu NICULESCU, President, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE)
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Short presentations by CP WG Members (1-2 slides) based on a template
- Received presentations: ERE Albania, PSRC Armenia, ECA Estonia, GNERC Georgia, MEKH Hungary, PUC Latvia, NERC Lithuania, ANRE Moldova, ERC North Macedonia, ANRE Romania
- Roundtable discussion
- Short presentations by CP WG Members (1-2 slides) based on a template
- Roundtable discussion
- Case Study of Moldova by Mr. Iulian GUZUN, Consultant, Legal Assistance and Representation Section, Legal Department, National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE), Moldova
- Case Study of Türkiye by Mr. Tevfik Okan SAYGILI, Group Head, Natural Gas Department and Mr. Ahmet GÖK, Energy Expert, Electricity Department, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Q&A
- Introductory presentation by Mr. Ahmet GÖK, Energy Expert, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Each CP WG member is requested to present a few slides on the topic based on a template
- Received presentations: ERE Albania, ECA Estonia, MEKH Hungary, PUC Latvia, NERC Lithuania, ANRE Moldova, ERC North Macedonia, ANRE Romania
- Roundtable discussion
- Each CP WG member is requested to present a few slides on the topic based on a template
- Roundtable discussion
- Discussion on possible new topics for the next Workplan period 2024-26
- The Secretariat launched an online workplan form for you to contribute with any proposals that you see worthwhile and useful for your everyday job. We eagerly invite you to submit your ideas at: https://erranet.org/2024-26-online-workplan-form-for-erra-customer-protection-committee-cp-com/ (the password for access is: ERRAcom2024) until March 1. The form includes all necessary information and manual on how to add workplan proposals.
- Selecting next meeting’s topics and assigning volunteers
- Discussions about next CP WG publication
- Each CP WG member is requested to present a few slides on the topic based on a template
- Received presentations: ERE Albania, PSRC Armenia, ECA Estonia, GNERC Georgia, RAEWW Greece, MEKH Hungary, PUC Latvia, NERC Lithuania, ANRE Moldova, ERC North Macedonia, ANRE Romania, EMRA Türkiye
- Roundtable discussion
- Each CP WG member is requested to present a few slides on the topic based on a template
- Roundtable discussion
- Ms. Krisztina Csombor, Senior Program Manager, ERRA Secretariat
Hosted by E-Control, Austria
- Mr. Dietmar PREINSTORFER, ERRA Presidium Member; Director, International Relations. E-Control, Austria
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Short presentations by CP WG Members (1-2 slides) based on a template
- Presentations provided: ERE Albania, CREG Algeria, PSRC Armenia, FERK Bosnia and Herzegovina, ERO Czech Republic, GNERC Georgia, MEKH Hungary, PUC Latvia, NERC Lithuania, ANRE Moldova, ERC North Macedonia, ANRE Romania, ECRA Saudi Arabia
- Roundtable discussion
- Short presentations by CP WG Members (1-2 slides)
- Roundtable discussion
- Discussion on possible new topics for the next Workplan period 2024-26
- Selecting next meeting’s topics and assigning volunteers
- Discussions about next CP WG publication
- Presenting the results of the Survey by the Authors:
- Lucie CHMELÍČKOVÁ, Lawyer, Legislative Unit, Energy Regulatory Office (ERÚ), Czech Republic
- Martin MARTINOSKI, Head of Department for Monitoring, Investigations and Misdemeanour, Energy, Water Services and Municipal Waste Management Services Regulatory Commission (ERC, North Macedonia
- Viktor SZILÁGY, Vice-Chairman of the Working Group; International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
- Q&A
- Approval of the publication
- Case Study of Moldova by Mr. Iulian GUZUN, Consultant, Legal Assistance and Representation Section, Legal Department, National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE), Moldova
- Case Study of Estonia by Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Case Study of Hungary by Mr. Viktor SZILÁGY, Vice-Chairman of the Working Group; International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
- Roundtable discussion
- Introduction by Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Each CP WG member is requested to present a few slides on the topic based on a template
- Presentations provided: ERE Albania, CREG Algeria, PSRC Armenia, FERK Bosnia and Herzegovina, ERO Czech Republic, GNERC Georgia, MEKH Hungary, PUC Latvia, NERC Lithuania, ANRE Moldova, ERC North Macedonia, ANRE Romania
- Roundtable discussion
- Case Study of Armenia by Ms. Lusine ALEKSANYAN, Chief Specialist of Complaints Observation Division of Financial, Technical and Complaints Observation Department, Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC), Armenia
- Case Study of Romania by Ms. Alexandra DIALA, Electricity Retail Market Service, Energy Market General Direction, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE)
- Roundtable discussion
- Case Study of the Czech Republic by Ms. Lucie CHMELÍČKOVÁ, Lawyer, Legislative Unit, Energy Regulatory Office (ERÚ), Czech Republic
- Case Study of Algeria by Mr. Mohammed BOURIHANE, In Charge of Studies at the Department of Concession and Public Service, Electricity and Gas Regulatory Commission (CREG), Algeria
- Roundtable discussion
- Background information and introduction
- Seeking topics of interest by the CP WG members
- Possible volunteers for Workshop Speakers
- Ms. Krisztina Csombor, Senior Program Manager, ERRA
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Drafting Team: Ms. Lucie CHMELÍČKOVÁ, ERÚ, Czech Republic; Mr. Martin MARTINOSKI, ERC North Macedonia; Mr. Viktor SZILÁGY, MEKH Hungary
- Discussion about the questionnaire and timeline for the final report.
- What ideas could help the consumers to mitigate them from the effects of high and volatile energy price, that can be done relative quickly? Monthly reading of the meters in order to have bills reflecting the actual consumption and shield the consumer from a very high bill of a longer settlement period. Prepaid meters. Other suggestions.
- Roundtable Discussion: Each participating CP WG Member is requested to submit 1-2 slides based on this template. Submitted country cases: ERE Albania, CREG Algeria, FERK Bosnia and Herzegovina, ERÚ Czech Republic, GasReg Egypt, ECA Estonia, MEKH Hungary, ANRE Moldova, ARENE Mozambique, ERC North Macedonia, URE Poland, EMRA Türkiye
- In case you have important news or publication that we can share in the Customers section of the ERRA website, please submit 1-2 slides to share
- Q&A
- Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Program Manager, ERRA Secretariat
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Moderated by Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- 2022-2024 Workplan (Excel format)
- Roundtable discussion
- Mr. Martin MARTINOSKI, Mr. Martin Martinoski, Head of Department for Monitoring, Investigations and Misdemeanor, Energy and Water Services Regulatory Commission (ERC), North Macedonia
- Discussion about future report, its topics, questionnaire, deadline, and drafters.
- In many countries the energy prices have become so volatile that supplier offer their offers with extreme short deadlines (24 – 72 hours) for to be accepted, and there are precedents for unilateral modification/termination of the energy supply contract (electricity, natural gas). Consumers face the situation they must bring a decision on their supply contracts in an extreme short time.
- Roundtable Discussion: Each member should prepare a short presentation about the rules of offering a contract, how long are suppliers bound to their offers, can a contract be unilaterally modified/terminated, what are the rules regarding those topics, and are there such experiences.
- Submitted country cases (by January 23): ERE Albania, CREG Algeria, FERK Bosnia and Herzegovina, ERÚ Czech Republic, GasReg Egypt, ECA Estonia, MEKH Hungary, ANRE Moldova, ARENE Mozambique, ERC North Macedonia, URE Poland, EMRA Türkiye
- What ideas could help the consumers to mitigate them from the effects of high and volatile energy price, that can be done relative quickly? Monthly reading of the meters in order to have bills reflecting the actual consumption and shield the consumer from a very high bill of a longer settlement period. Prepaid meters. Other suggestions.
- Roundtable Discussion: Each participating CP WG Member is requested to submit 1-2 slides on the above. (Based on the number of meeting participants this topic could be moved to our next meeting.)
- Submitted country cases (by January 23): ERE Albania, CREG Algeria, FERK Bosnia and Herzegovina, ERÚ Czech Republic, GasReg Egypt, ECA Estonia, MEKH Hungary, ANRE Moldova, ARENE Mozambique, ERC North Macedonia, URE Poland, EMRA Türkiye
- Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Senior Program Manager, ERRA Secretariat
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, CP WG Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Background information by Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, CP WG Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Candidates’ introductions
- Chairman candidate: Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Vice-Chairman candidate: Mr. Viktor SZILÁGY, International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
- Electronic elections
- Selecting next meeting’s topics and assigning volunteers
- Discussions about next CP WG publication
- Summary of the publication by Mr. Viktor SZILÁGY, Vice-Chairman of the Working Group; International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
- Q&A
- Received updates: PSRC Armenia, AERA Azerbaijan, FERK Bosnia and Herzegovina, ERÚ Czech Republic, EREA (Kenya), ERERA, ECA Estonia, MEKH Hungary, NERC Lithuania, ANRE Moldova, ARENE Mozambique, ERC North Macedonia, ANRE Romania
- Roundtable discussion
- Short presentations by CP WG Members (1-2 slides)
- Roundtable discussion
- Consumers Satisfaction Measurements for Electricity Services in Saudi Arabia
Mr. Fahad A. AL-AJLAN, Director General, Consumer Care, Water & Electricity Regulatory Authority (WERA), Saudi Arabia - Country Case Studies:
- Hungary: Mr. Viktor SZILÁGY, Vice-Chairman of the Working Group; International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
- Romania: Ms. Alexandra DIALA, Expert, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE)
- Q&A
- Consumer information and education as a tool for empowering customers - good practices and Polish examples
Ms. Zofia JANISZEWSKA, Advisor to the President, Department of Markets Development and Consumer Issues, Energy Regulatory Office (URE), Poland - Country Case Studies:
- Albania: Ms. Erjola SADUSHI, Board Member, Albanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ERE)
- Hungary: Mr. Viktor SZILÁGY, Vice-Chairman of the Working Group; International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
- North Macedonia: Mr. Martin MARTINOSKI, Head of Department for Monitoring, Investigations and Misdemeanor, Energy and Water Services Regulatory Commission (ERC), North Macedonia
- Q&A
- Background information by Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, CP WG Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Senior Program Manager, ERRA Secretariat
- The Poll is available (please fill until June 17): https://erranet.org/2022-cp-wg-satisfaction-impact-assessment-poll/ (password: cpwg2022)
- Discussing the results
- Current status by Mr. Viktor SZILÁGY, Vice-Chairman of the Working Group; International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
- The Survey is available: https://erranet.org/cp-wg-survey-high-energy-prices/ (password: cpwg2022). The deadline was extended until June 17.
- Roundtable Discussion
- by Ms. Lusine ALEKSANYAN, Chief Specialist of Complaints Observation Division of Financial, Technical and Complaints Observation Department, Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC), Armenia
Roundtable Discussion: Each participating CP WG Member is requested to submit 2 slides based on a provided template
- Answers provided by: ERE Albania, ERO Czech Republic, GasReg Egypt, GNERC Georgia, MEKH Hungary, ERC North Macedonia, EMRA Turkey
- Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Senior Program Manager, ERRA Secretariat
- Q&A
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Moderated by Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Goal: discuss the topic, the format and assigning volunteers for each item
- Roundtable discussion
- Each participant is requested to prepare 3 slides based on a template covering the national impact of the high energy prices (5-7 mins): 1) measures taken by the government 2) measures taken by the NRA 3) hot topics/ related issues related to high energy prices
- Submissions by ERE Albania, CREG Algeria, PSRC Armenia, FERK Bosnia and Herzegovina, ERÚ Czech Republic, GasReg Egypt, ECA Estonia, GNERC Georgia, MEKH Hungary, EPRA Kenya (EREA), PUC Latvia, ANRE Moldova, ARENE Mozambique, ERC North Macedonia, AERS Serbia, NEPRA Pakistan, EMRA Turkey
- Roundtable discussion
- Introduction of the first result of the survey by the EMER COM and NG COM by Mr. Kacper JAROSZ, Project Manager, ERRA
- Moderated by Mr. Viktor SZILÁGY, Vice-Chairman of the Working Group; International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
- Roundtable discussion on the Questionnaire scope and assigning volunteers for the Report
- Joint meeting of the Committees and Working Group in physical format only on May 27
- Online meeting of the Customer Protection Working Group on June 7
- Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Senior Program Manager, ERRA
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Before the April 13 General Assembly, the CP WG has to finalize its Workplan for the next 2 years. Please be prepared with topics that could be part of the new Workplan.
- Moderated by Mr. Viktor SZILÁGY, Vice-Chairman of the Working Group; International Expert for Energy, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
- Roundtable Discussion
- Mr. Margus KASEPALU, Chairman of the Working Group; Head of Department of Energy and Infrastructure, Estonian Competition Authority (ECA)
- Questions and Answers
- Mr. Ahmed AL-ARAFATI, Lead Specialist Framework & Codes, Authority for Public Services Regulation (APSR), Oman
- Questions and Answers
- Each participating CP WG Member is requested to submit 2 slides based on a provided template
- Answers received from (as per January 26): ERE Albania, CREG Algeria, PSRC Armenia, FERK Bosnia and Herzegovina, GNERC Georgia, MEKH Hungary, PUC Latvia, NERC Lithuania, ANRE Moldova, ERC North Macedonia, NEPRA Pakistan, WERA Saudi Arabia, EMRA Turkey
- Roundtable Discussion
- Please mark your calendar for the next meeting that will be organized in hybrid manner in Budapest, Hungary on April 14
- Ms. Krisztina CSOMBOR, Program Manager, ERRA Secretariat