Past Training


Regulation of Quality of Supply

ERRA’s upcoming training course explores the principles underlying regulation of quality of supply including the dimensions of quality of supply as well as regulatory fundamentals and methods. Theoretical presentations will be extended with country case studies and exercises providing relevant example from regulatory practice.
Fundamentals of Water Utility Regulation banner

Fundamentals of Water Utility Regulation

The course is dedicated to the core responsibilities and activities of water utility regulatory authorities: theoretical lessons will be supplemented by case study examples and a tariff setting exercise.

Regulation of Renewable Energy Sources

The RES course provides an introduction on renewable energy economics and policy across key geographies including Europe, the US and Australia. The course covers in-depth all the regulatory measures required to support renewable energy from feed-in tariffs to contract-for-difference (CfD) schemes, as well as their different interpretations.

Natural Gas Market Regulation Course

In this comprehensive course we delve into the foundational aspects of natural gas market regulation, where besides building a strong understanding of the fundamentals we will also examine how these fundamentals can be effectively applied in response to emerging challenges at all levels of market opening.