Past Training

Summer School: Introduction to Energy Regulation banner

ERRA Summer School: Introduction to Energy Regulation

ERRA’s flagship event is a „must” for junior regulatory staff as it lays the foundations on the basic principles of regulation including different regulatory models, market structures, price and tariff regulation and recent technology drivers transforming our sectors.

Natural Gas Market Regulation Course

In this comprehensive course we delve into the foundational aspects of natural gas market regulation, where besides building a strong understanding of the fundamentals we will also examine how these fundamentals can be effectively applied in response to emerging challenges at all levels of market opening.
Electricity Tariff Setting Training lead

Principles of Economic Regulation and Electricity Tariffs

The tariff regulation course is the central anchor of the economic regulation training package. It covers all of the topic in the training programme on a higher level, while focusing on the principles of economic regulation, applied regulatory models, the building-block approach to revenue-setting and revenue determinants. It also provides introductory principles of cost-allocation, tariff structure and tariff design.

Natural Gas System Basics for Non-Engineers

The course will focus on technical, physical and engineering aspects of the natural gas system from production to distribution presenting the 3 main segments (upstream, midstream and downstream).
Power System Basics for Non-Engineers lead

Power System Basics for Non-Engineers

This course is a perfect quick learning exercise for non-technicals who would like to understand the physics and engineering fundamentals that go behind providing electricity supply.

Regulation of Energy Storage

The course aims to provide participants with the necessary understanding on how to structure regulation for energy storage across different power markets.