Past Webinar


Electrification Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa II.

The webinar on November 9, 2022 focused on the financial, development and regulatory side of mini-grids with these systems becoming a key component of countries’ electrification plans, and their development requires appropriate regulatory frameworks.
Regulatrion of LNG Supply and Terminals Webinar lead

Regulation of LNG Supply and Terminals

The webinar approaches the topic from regulatory perspectives of LNG infrastructure access and tariffs. In order to look into the practical dimension of LNG supply it also explores case study examples from specific LNG facilities presented by representatives of the terminals and/or regulators.
Energy Market Surveillance Webinar Series lead

Energy Market Surveillance III: Supervisory Tools and Sanctioning

The purpose of the third edition of the series of ERRA webinars on Energy Market Surveillance is to present two important areas related to market surveillance, namely sanctioning and procedural measures. During the first part of the webinar, representatives of the FERC of the U.S. will present powers of regulators and sanctioning under U.S. laws while the speaker of the ACER will present issues related to market surveillance under REMIT.
Energy Market Surveillance Webinar Series lead

Energy Market Surveillance II: Regulators and Market Participants

The second edition of the Market Surveillance Webinar series will explore relations within the energy market surveillance system occurring between regulators and various market participants. The event will stress the necessity of adoption of reporting and compliance systems by market participants and the role of guidelines from regulators that help them navigating through the established rules of fair and legal conduct. 
women in the energy sector featured image

Women in the Energy Sector

The concept of the series bases on interviews with leading female figures in the energy industry with a purpose of learning from their inspiring biographies and reflections on the course of their professional paths.

Electrification Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa I.

The first edition of the webinar series will look into the status quo and ways forward for the fundamental development of electricity access in Sub-Saharan regions. Speakers will present current statistics and elaborate on ongoing challenges and needs to foster the process.