Natural Gas

Natural Gas – Renewable Gases – Hydrogen


Research Paper: Unbundling and certification of TSOs with case studies

ERRA’s new Research Paper titled: Unbundling and certification of gas transmission system operators in line with the EU acquis is now available. It provides a refreshed perspective on gas TSOs unbundling and certification with 3 case studies on the certification process in EU and its neighbouring countries.

Benchmarking Report: Capacity Allocation Mechanisms and Congestion Management Procedures at Selected Gas Interconnection Points in ERRA Member Countries

The first of two benchmarking reports on gas transmission topics by ERRA Natural Gas Markets and Economic Regulation Committee analyses the following: 1) Capacity allocation mechanisms 2) Congestion management procedures 3) Cooperation Among TSOs and 4) The role of the regulators.

NG COM issues its first publication – natural gas report on the status quo

The first of two benchmarking reports on gas transmission topics by ERRA Natural Gas Markets and Economic Regulation Committee analyses the following: 1) Capacity allocation mechanisms 2) Congestion management procedures 3) Cooperation Among TSOs and 4) The role of the regulators.