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Renewable Energy Investment Conference 2022 banner

ERRA Renewable Energy Investment Conference 2022

Among the many PPTs you will find materials on renewable energy projects in different jurisdictions, the role of harmonized and coherent regulation in promoting renewable energy, importance of regulation for investments, renewable energy investment climate in select countries etc.

Electrification Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa II.

The webinar on November 9, 2022 focused on the financial, development and regulatory side of mini-grids with these systems becoming a key component of countries’ electrification plans, and their development requires appropriate regulatory frameworks.
France Member News

ERRA Member News: France’s first offshore wind electricity

After many years of administrative challenges, the first French MWh of offshore wind electricity was produced in the beginning of June. The Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm will eventually comprise 80 turbines accounting for 480MW of capacity to be progressively installed until the end of the year.