The 5th GF COM meeting will be held in physical format only on May 7, 2025 in Muscat, Oman.
The detailed agenda will be listed here once available.
ERRA reserves the right to change the published agenda at any time during the organisation and implementation of the programme.
The registration will be possible here once the form is available.
Registered Participants
The names of the participants will be listed here once available.
Past Meetings of the ERRA Gaseous Fuels Markets and Economic Regulation Committee Meetings (GF COM)
January 29, 2025 // Online
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
ERRA Gaseous Fuels Markets and Economic Regulation Committee 4th Meeting
- Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, GF COM Chair, PUC Latvia
10:05Introduction of ERRA Senior Regulatory Specialist and ERRA Secondee
- Short Summary by Mr. Goga Daraselia, GF COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Q&A
10:20Egyptian Case on Short Term Gas Demand Forecasting
10:35Case Study Session: Permitting and approval processes for gas infrastructure projects
- Moderated by Mr. Dalibor Mitrovski, GF COM Vice-Chair, ERC North Macedonia
- Presentations by GF COM Members: ERC North Macedonia, PSRC Armenia, HERA Croatia, GNERC Georgia
- Q&A
11:20Roundtable Discussion: Stimulating gas tariff policy as factor of decarbonization
- Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, GF COM Chair, PUC Latvia
- Q&A
- Roundtable Discussion will be continued in the next online committee meeting by the following GF COM Members: E-Control Austria, ERO Czech Republic, ANRE Moldova, ERC North Macedonia, EMRA Türkiye
- Mr. Goga Daraselia, GF COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
12:35Meeting Concludes
Meeting Recording
October 28-29, 2024 // Tirana, Albania
Day 1 - Monday, October 28, 2024
Day 2 - Tuesday, October 29, 2024
ERRA Gaseous Fuels Markets and Economic Regulation Committee 3rd Meeting Day 1
- Mr. Maksim Shuli, Board Member, Natural Gas Senior Expert, ERE Albania
- Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, GF COM Chair, PUC Latvia
09:15Country updates – major domestic gas news, updates on subsidy regimes/market structure, security of supply, infrastructure part 1
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, GF COM Chair, PUC Latvia
- Presentations by GF COM Members: PUC Latvia, E-Control Austria, GNERC Georgia, NERC Lithuania
- Q&A
10:30Coffee Break
11:00Country updates – major domestic gas news, updates on subsidy regimes/market structure, security of supply, infrastructure part 2
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, GF COM Chair, PUC Latvia
- Presentations by GF COM Members: ERC North Macedonia, ERC Thailand, EMRA Türkiye
- Q&A
11:30Roundtable Discussion: Quantification of Methane Emissions (Planned and Unplanned Interruption) part 1
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, GF COM Chair, PUC Latvia
- Presentations by GF COM Members: PUC Latvia, CREG Algeria, E-Control Austria, GNERC Georgia
- Q&A
12:30Lunch Break
13:30Roundtable Discussion: Quantification of Methane Emissions (Planned and Unplanned Interruption) part 2
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, GF COM Chair, PUC Latvia
- Presentations by GF COM Members: NERC Lithuania, ERC North Macedonia,
- Q&A
14:00Case Study Session: Short Term Gas Demand Forecasting part 1
- Moderated by Mr. Dalibor Mitrovski, GF COM Vice-Chair, ERC North Macedonia
- Presentations by GF COM Members: ERC North Macedonia, ERE Albania
- Q&A
14:30Coffee Break
15:00Case Study Session: Short Term Gas Demand Forecasting part 2
- Moderated by Mr. Dalibor Mitrovski, GF COM Vice-Chair, ERC North Macedonia
- Presentations by GF COM Members: E-Control Austria, ERC Thailand,
- Q&A
- Mr. Dalibor Mitrovski, GF COM Vice-Chair, ERC North Macedonia
16:00End of Day 1
ERRA Gaseous Fuels Markets and Economic Regulation Committee 3rd Meeting Day 2
- Presentation by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, GF COM Chair, PUC Latvia
- Q&A
09:30Roundtable Discussion: Assessment of Gas Supply Security Risks and Gas System Safeguard Procedure Setting Methodology. Natural Gas Storage Regulation and the Effects to Consumers part 1
- Moderated by Mr. Dalibor Mitrovski, GF COM Vice-Chair, ERC North Macedonia
- Presentations by GF COM Members: ERC North Macedonia, CREG Algeria, E-Control Austria
- Q&A
10:30Coffee Break
11:00Roundtable Discussion: Assessment of Gas Supply Security Risks and Gas System Safeguard Procedure Setting Methodology. Natural Gas Storage Regulation and the Effects to Consumers part 2
- Moderated by Mr. Dalibor Mitrovski, GF COM Vice-Chair, ERC North Macedonia
- Presentations by GF COM Members: PUC Latvia, EMRA Türkiye
- Q&A
- Mr. Goga Daraselia, GF COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Mr. Goga Daraselia, GF COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
12:30Meeting Concludes and Lunch
September 10, 2024 // Online
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
ERRA Gaseous Fuels Markets and Economic Regulation Committee 2nd Meeting
- Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, GF COM Chair, Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Latvia
- Dr. Givi Adamia, Former Secondee of ERRA, Deputy Director of the Legal Department at the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC), Affiliate Assistant Professor of Caucasus University
- Discussion
13:45Case Study Session: PPAs in gas sector as factors of investments incentives
- Moderator: Mr. Dalibor Mitrovski, GF COM Vice-Chair, Energy, Water Services and Municipal Waste Management Services Regulatory Commission (ERC), North Macedonia
- Presentation by GF COM Members: PSRC Armenia, ERC Thailand
- Q&A
- Presentation by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, GF COM Chair, Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Latvia
- Q&A
- Mr. Goga Daraselia, GF COM Coordinator, ERRA
15:00Meeting concludes
Meeting Recording
June 6, 2024 // Online
Thursday, June 6, 2024
ERRA Gaseous Fuels Markets and Economic Regulation Committee 1st Meeting
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, Former Vice-Chair of ERRA GF (Former NG) COM, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
10:05Electronic election of the committee chair and vice-chair
- Moderator: Mr. Goga Daraselia, Junior Program Manager, ERRA
- Chair Candidate: Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, Former Vice-Chair of ERRA GF (Former NG) COM, Deputy Director of Energy Department, Head of Tariff and Infrastructure Division, Public UtiltiesCommission (PUC), Latvia
- Vice-Chair Candidate: Mr. Dalibor Mitrovski, Head of District Heating Unit in the Technical/Energy Department for natural gas, oil and oil derivatives and district heating, Energy, Water Services and Municipal Waste Management Services Regulatory Commission (ERC), North Macedonia
10:30Processing of Votes /Technical break
10:40Announcing the committee chair and vice-chair
- Moderator: Mr. Goga Daraselia, Junior Program Manager, ERRA
- Moderator: Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, Former Vice-Chair of ERRA GF (Former NG) COM, Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Latvia
- Discussion
- ERRA GF COM Detailed Workplan 2024-26 in Excel
- Mr. Goga Daraselia, Junior Program Manager, ERRA
11:15Meeting concludes
Past Meetings of the ERRA Natural Gas Markets and Economic Regulation Committee (NG COM)
March 7-8, 2024 // Bratislava, Slovakia
Day 1 - Thursday, March 7, 2024
Day 2 - Friday, March 8, 2024
ERRA Natural Gas Markets and Economic Regulation Committee 19th Meeting Day 1
Hotel Meeting room: JAVOR 1+2
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Moderated by Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair and Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, NG COM Vice-chair
- Presentation by Mr. Kacper Jarosz, Deputy Program Director, ERRA Secretariat
- Q&A
09:45Case Study Session: Biomethane in Distribution System Part 1
- Moderated by Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Mr. Stefan Katzmann, Energy and Regulatory Expert, E-Control, Austria
- Mr. Emil Bujniak, Senior Specialist, Energy Regulatory Office (URE), Poland
- Q&A
10:40 Coffee Break
11:10Case Study Session: Biomethane in Distribution System Part 2
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Q&A
12:00Roundtable discussion: DSO Tariff Structure Part 1
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, NG COM Vice-chair, Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Latvia
- PUC Latvia, ERE Albania (Oral Update), PSRC Armenia
14:00Roundtable discussion: DSO Tariff Structure Part 2
15:10Coffee Break
15:40 Roundtable discussion: Digital Transformation Effect on the Economics of the Gas Market part 1
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- EMRA Türkiye, CREG Algeria
16:20End of Day 1
ERRA Natural Gas Markets and Economic Regulation Committee 19th Meeting Day 2
Hotel Meeting room: LIPA 2
09:00Digital Transformation Effect on the Economics of the Gas Market part 2
09:45Country updates – major domestic gas news, updates on subsidy regimes/market structure, security of supply, infrastructure – part 1
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, NG COM Vice-chair, Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Latvia
- PUC Latvia, ERE Albania (Oral Update), CREG Algeria, PSRC Armenia (Oral Update)
10:20Coffee Break
11:00Country updates – major domestic gas news, updates on subsidy regimes/market structure, security of supply, infrastructure – part 2
- E-Control Austria (Oral Update), GNERC Georgia, MEKH Hungary, ERC North Macedonia, ERC Thailand, EMRA Türkiye (Oral Update)
- Mr. Goga Daraselia, NG COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Q&A
12:30Meeting Concludes and Lunch
January 25, 2024 // Online
Thursday, Janaury 25, 2024
ERRA Natural Gas Markets and Economic Regulation Committee 18th Meeting (Online)
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
10:05Status-quo of Hydrogen Utilisation in NG COM Member Countries
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, NG COM Vice-chair, Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Latvia
- Presentations by NG COM members: PUC Latvia, CREG Algeria, PSRC Armenia, E-Control Austria, GNERC Georgia, MEKH Hungary, NERC Lithuania, ANRE Moldova, ERC Mongolia, ERC North Macedonia, EMRA Türkiye
- Q&A
11:05Case Study Session: LNG Contracts and LNG Benchmarking
- Moderated by Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Presentations by NG COM members: RAEWW Greece, NERC Lithuania, URE Poland
- Presentation by guest speaker, Mr. İbrahim Faruk Adıgüzel, BOTAŞ Türkiye
- Q&A
- Mr. Goga Daraselia, NG COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Q&A
- Mr. Kacper Jarosz, Deputy Program Director, ERRA Secretariat
- Q&A
- Mr. Goga Daraselia, NG COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
13:15Meeting Concludes
Meeting Recording
October 11, 2023 // Budapest, Hungary
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
ERRA Natural Gas Markets and Economic Regulation Committee 17th Meeting
08:45Get-together in the venue
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Dr. Konstantin Petrov, Managing Partner, DNV Energy Systems, Germany
- Q&A
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Q&A
10:15Tariff design and allocation of allowed revenues to customer categories part 1
- Presentations by NG COM members: HERA Croatia, MEKH Hungary, AERA Azerbaijan
- Moderated by Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
10:45Coffee break
11:15Tariff design and allocation of allowed revenues to customer categories part 2
- Presentations by NG COM members: PUC Latvia, NERC Lithuania, ERC North Macedonia, ANRE Moldova, EMRA Türkiye
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, NG COM Vice-chair, Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Latvia
- Q&A
- Mr. Goga Daraselia, NG COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
Joint Meeting of the ERRA Natural Gas Markets and Economic Regulation and Electricity Markets Committees
- Mr. Hassan Taqi, EMER COM Chair; Director of Economic and Financial Affairs, Authority for Public Services Regulation (APSR), Oman
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair; Group Head for International Relations, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Dr. Ákos Hofstadter, Infrastructure Regulation Officer, EU Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) (online presentation)
- Q&A
14:10Regulation of Investments
- Moderated by Mr. Hassan Taqi, EMER COM Chair; Director of Economic and Financial Affairs, Authority for Public Services Regulation (APSR), Oman
- Key findings from EMER COM Report on Investment Regulation Evaluation, Approval and Risk Mitigation Approaches for Large Investment Projects, Obstacles to Investments by Jawhara Mohamed Al Aufi, Senior Tariff Analyst, APSR
- Q&A
15:00Coffee break
15:30Best practices in electricity and gas TSO monitoring by the regulators, based on EU Regulations and other national legislation
- Moderated by Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair; Group Head for International Relations, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye
- Case Study presentations:
- Ms. Maria Manicuta, Director and Ms. Alina Tache, Director, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE), Romania
- Ms. Gordana Stankovic, Expert for Tariff Systems and the Electricity Market, Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA), Croatia
- Mr. Tamaz Gvanidze, Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC), Georgia
16:30Meeting Concludes
June 19, 2023 // Online
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
09:35Lessons learnt from the "Flame - Promoting a sustainable gas & LNG industry" conference
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
- Kick-off presentation to the upcoming Research Paper
- Mr. Metin Sever, Energy Expert, EMRA Türkiye
- Q&A
10:25Estimating fair rate of return in time of high inflation
- Presentations by NG COM Members: E-Control Austria, ERO Czechia, GNERC Georgia, MEKH Hungary, ANRE Moldova, ERC North Macedonia, EMRA Türkiye
- Q&A
- Mr. Kacper Jarosz, NG COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
12:00Meeting Concludes
Meeting Recording
April 28, 2023 // Poland, Warsaw
Friday - April 28, 2023
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
- Kick-off presentation to the upcoming Benchmarking Study: “Legislation, mechanisms and experience in ensuring security of supply in the participating countries”
- Mr Maciej Syroka, Head of the Unit of Gas Infrastructure, Gas Department, URE Poland
- Q&A
- Mr. Tomoho Umeda, Founder and Chairman, Hynfra P.S.A., Poland
12:30Lunch break
13:30Case study session: OPEX review techniques, efficiency and quality factors
- Moderation by NG COM Chairs
- Presentations by NG COM Members: CREG Algeria , ERO Czechia, NERC Lithuania, EMRA Türkiye
- Quick updates by remaining NG COM members are requested
14:50Coffee break
15:20Case study session: Market-based investment incentives for gas infrastructure
- Moderation by NG COM Chairs
- Presentations by NG COM Members: ERO Czechia, GNERC Georgia
- Quick updates by remaining NG COM members are requested
- Mr. Kacper Jarosz, NG COM Coordinator, Project Manager, ERRA Secretariat
17:00Meeting Concludes
February 28, 2023 // Online
Tuesday - February 28, 2023
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
10:05Future of the ERRA Tariff Database and discussion
- Background information by Ms. Andrijana Nelkova-Chuchuk, ERRA Presidium Member, Commissioner at Energy and Water Services Regulatory Commission, North Macedonia
- Discussion moderated by Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
10:55Presentation of the Hydrogen paper
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
11:05Presentation of the Natural Gas Regulatory Glossary
- Mr. Kacper Jarosz, NG COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
11:10Case study session – TPA to LNG: from LNG operators, shippers and any other interested parties
- Moderation by Mr. Viesturs Kadikis, NG COM Vice-Chair, PUC Latvia
- Presentations by Members:
- Presentation by a guest speaker:
- Mr. Kacper Jarosz, NG COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
Meeting Recording
January 25, 2023 // Online
Tuesday - January 25, 2022
- Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA, Turkey
- Moderated by Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA, Turkey
13:20Regulatory Aspects of Smart Metering for the Gas Sector (case study)
- Regulatory Aspects of Smart Metering for the Gas Sector by Luca Lo Schiavo, Deputy director for Infrastructure Regulation, Italian Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA)
- Q&A Session
- Smart Metering in Estonia by Ms. Triinu Tamm, Chair of the Board, Gaasivõrk Ltd. (DSO), Estonia
- Q&A Session
- Viesturs Kadikis, NG COM Vice-Chair, PUC, Latvia
- Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA, Turkey
14:50Research Paper on TSO certification (draft), natural gas regulatory glossary
- Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA, Turkey
15:00Technical Break
15:15TPA to Storage: from storage operators, storage users and any other interested parties (case study)
- Third-Party Access to Gas Storage. Case study by the Storage System Operator of Ukraine by Ms. Agneta Kutselim, Head of the Department of Commercial Activity, Ukrtransgaz (UGS), Ukraine
- Related Materials: Appendix | Gas Storage Facilities Code | Storage Agreement
- Q&A Session
- Bulgaria
- Poland
- Serbia
- Turkey
- Discussion
16:40Update on ERRA activities & AOB
- Kacper Jarosz, NG COM Coordinator, Project Manager, ERRA Secretariat
16:45Meeting Concludes
December 2, 2022 // Online
- Mr. Viesturs Kadikis, NG COM Vice-Chair, PUC Latvia
- Mr. Viesturs Kadikis, NG COM Vice-Chair, PUC Latvia
10:20Roundtable discussion - Domestic gas sector in winter 2022/23 with possible 2023/24 outlooks
- Short updates by participating NG COM Members:
- ERE Albania,
- PSRC Armenia,
- E-Control Austria,
- AERA Azerbaijan,
- ERU Czechia,
- GNERC Georgia,
- MEKH Hungary,
- PUC Latvia,
- NERC Lithuania,
- ANRE Moldova,
- ERC North Macedonia,
- AERS Serbia,
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, NG COM Vice-Chair, PUC Latvia
- Mr. Kacper Jarosz, NG COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
12:35Meeting Concludes
Meeting Recording
September 19, 2022 // Hybrid
Monday - September 19, 2022 (GMT+3)
08:40Get-together in the venue & tea/coffee
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
09:05Research paper on TSO certification and unbundling – presentation of the final draft and Committee approval prior to publication
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
09:20Election of NG COM Chairs for the term of 2022-24
- Background information by Mr. Kacper Jarosz, NG COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
- Candidates’ introductions
- Electronic elections
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
- Q&A
10:10Country updates about domestic/regional price trends
- Short presentations by all participating NG COM Members:
- PSRC Armenia,
- CREG Algeria,
- AERA Azerbaijan,
- ERO Czechia,
- GNERC Georgia,
- MEKH Hungary,
- PUC Latvia,
- NERC Lithuania,
- URE Poland,
- ERC Thailand,
- EMRA Turkiye,
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, NG COM Vice-Chair, PUC Latvia
11:10Tea/Coffee break
11:30Wholesale pricing schemes and monitoring gas prices in natural gas markets – case study session
- Introductory presentation by ACER
- Presentations by NG COM Members based on a template:
- GNERC Georgia,
- MEKH Hungary,
- ERC North Macedonia,
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, NG COM Vice-Chair, PUC Latvia
12:30Lunch break
14:00Legislation, mechanisms and experience in ensuring security of supply in member countries – discussion on the upcoming benchmarking study, call for volunteers for drafting
- Extended with an introductory presentation on ensuring security of supply
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
- Mr. Maciej Syroka, Group Head, Gaseous Fuels Market Department, URE Poland
- Mr. Rimas Valungevičius, Chief Adviser of Gas Division, NERC Lithuania
- Q&A
15:00Natural gas glossary – status update and call for volunteers to finalize
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA Türkiye
- Mr. Kacper Jarosz, NG COM Coordinator, ERRA Secretariat
15:30Meeting Concludes
May 26, 2022 // Hybrid
Thursday - May 26, 2022
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA, Turkey
- Background information and early findings by Committee Chairs
09:452022-24 Workplan topics’ prioritization poll and scheduling & call for volunteers for contributions
- Moderated by Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA, Turkey
- Mr. Ardian Berisha, ERRA Regulatory Specialist
- Q&A
10:50Tea/Coffee break
11:00CAPEX review – Case study session
- Presentations by NG COM Members based on a template are requested
- ERO Czech Republic, MEKH Hungary, ERC North Macedonia, ERO Poland, EMRA Turkey
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA, Turkey
13:00Lunch Break
14:15Licensing and certification procedures in the gas market – Roundtable Discussion
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadiķis, NG COM Vice-Chair, PUC, Latvia
- Short updates by CREG Algeria, ERO Czech Republic, PUC Latvia, NERC Lithuania, ANRE Moldova, ERC North Macedonia, AERS Serbia, EMRA Turkey
15:30Update on ERRA activities & AOB
- Mr. Kacper Jarosz, NG COM Coordinator, Project Manager, ERRA Secretariat
15:35Meeting Concludes
March 25, 2022 // Hybrid
Friday - March 25, 2022
09:15Get-together in the ERRA Office - tea/coffee
10:00Welcome & introduction of ERRA’s intern for the Committee Ms. Salome Bajelidze
- Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA, Turkey
- Moderated by Mr. Mehmet Kürkçü, NG COM Chair, EMRA, Turkey
- Mr. Stefan Katzmann, Policy Officer, Energie-Control, Austria
- Q&A Session
11:05Coffee Break
- Ms. Nina Ganchou, Gas distribution analyst, Energy Regulatory Commission, France
- Q&A Session
- Moderated by Mr. Viesturs Kadikis, NG COM Vice-Chair, PUC, Latvia
12:15Lunch Break
13:30Distribution Network Losses and their management – Case Study session
14:30Update on ERRA activities & AOB
- Mr. Kacper Jarosz, NG COM Coordinator, Project Manager, ERRA Secretariat
14:35Meeting Concludes